SpeedWet Xion Silicongel is the result of a long research and development process aimed at carefully identifying the properties necessary to ensure the bioavailability of insecticides and fungicides, under different environmental and application conditions, even the most extreme.
SpeedWet Xion Silicongel is a more concentrated and accurately balanced active compounding formulation aid for new application technologies.
The surfactants present in the formulation act together with the fatty amides, providing key properties for the application of fungicides and insecticides. Together, these properties work synergistically and allow for a more uniform drop spray, with better penetration in canoeing and protected from the effects of high temperatures and low relative humidity conditions.
Drop size, uniformity and anti-evaporation:
Choosing the right droplet size results from a compromise between the difficulty of the treatment and the prevailing environmental conditions. More demanding coverage treatments require smaller droplet sizes to penetrate their leaf mass, but as we reduce the size we make the broth more prone to evaporation and drift losses. This is why SpeedAgro has devoted many resources to developing a formulation with the exact balance of surfactants and fatty amides so that the spray breaks evenly and the resulting droplet travels protected towards the target.
After spraying and transport, the drop finally hits the target, which, in the case of insecticides and fungicides, is the leaf of the crop. At that time, it faces different barriers that reject water, causing the spray to run off its surface and fall to the ground. The presence of dew, hairiness or high wax deposition, as a result of water stress, aggravate this situation. Agricultural Innovations has investigated and tested different combinations of surfactants and adhesives in order to determine the most effective mixture when wetting and generating adhesion of the broth on the surface of the sheet.
Inhibition of foam formation:
During the incorporation of the assets into the tank and its subsequent agitation, it can generate an overlap of bubbles that will later form the foam.
This generates contamination and losses due to spillage, decreased working autonomy and pulsating flow in the spray, among other undesirable consequences.
There are different foam control agents, including silicone based ones, which quickly disperse through the liquid film that forms the bubble walls. Since silicone has a much lower surface tension (21 mN / m) than most fluids, the surface tension of the film is reduced. The bubbles collapse and the foam disappears.
After a rigorous selection process, the silicones that showed the best response in inhibiting foam formation were identified. Its subsequent incorporation into the formulation allowed obtaining a product with a markedly superior performance. Always incorporate SpeedWet Xion Silicongel at the beginning of the charging process so that foam inhibiting and emulsifying agents work. Keep the agitation or return system running for greater homogenization. Respect the order of loading of the plant protection products to be used.

Preparation: add SpeedWet Xion Silicongel at the beginning of the tank charge (1/4 capacity), complete the tank charge and add the phytosanitary products.
For pesticides/insecticides and fungicides 0.34-0.84 fl. oz (10-20ml) per acre.
10 Gal / Acre | 20 Gal / Acre |
10 ml / Acre | 20 ml / Acre |
1 L / 100 Acre | 1 L / 50 Acre |
Always incorporate SpeedWet Xion Silicongel at the beginning of the loading process so that the foam inhibiting and emulsifying agents act.
Keep the agitation or return system running for greater homogenization.
Respect the loading order of the pesticides to be used.
We await your consultation to be able to advise you in a personalized way.